I don`t know why I`m saying this. Just because of a boy?!
BULLCRAP! I don`t want to lose our friendship, that`s why I`m setting him free.
Free; so you could give him the love you want to give without any hesitation of me being mad at you.
Think of this, If you just confess to me your feelings for him, I wouldn`t be like this.
You make me feel like I`m an idiot. Sorry for the term, but that`s the way I interpret it.
In case I misunderstand you, don`t blame me.
You`re the one who`s pushing me to do this. Do such things as this.
If you just said it earlier, I would understand it! That`s what friends are for, right?
But why are you doing this to me?? To make me feel that I don`t belong? That I`m an idiot? SHT!
I trust you, and I know that you know that.
But I don`t know why you need to say these things that I know aren`t true.
You said that you`ve already given me a chance??
I don`t need that chance. All I really need is the truth.

- Hi. My name's Janelle. Everybody calls me "Jah" except a few people who doesn't know any better. I like a lot of things. But mostly movies, music, photography, web, technology, and gadgets. I think nonconformity is bullcrap. I like what I like regardless of whether it conforms or not. I don't like sports mainly coz I'm too lazy for physical exertion. I tend to shun unnecessary social interaction and I have no talent for small talk - but I try. I have a short attention span and I usually - Oh crap!