Last friday (August 28 `09), we had our trip to Bulacan. All the Thirdyear students we`re included. The assembly time was 5:30am, and we left the campus at around 6 in the morning. I don`t know the name of our tour guide because I don`t like listening to her. I`m not interested either. Haha! =)))
Anyway, our first stop is at the Barasoain Church, and afterwards, we went to the Museum so-called "Casa Real". There, we saw some of the Philippine`s culture before. The Philippine`s former Presidents we`re also included there except for Pres. Arroyo, I don`t know why. ;) Then we went back to the Church and took some pictures and went to our bus. Next is the "Hiyas Museum". I don`t explore in this museum because I`m so tired and besides I`m also hungry. Again, we took some pictures. When we`re heading back to the bus, our adviser said that we should form two straight lines. We thought that these doings was for the elementary students, so we just laugh at her. :P
But right after we heard that our next destination is at the GrottoVista Resort, we all shouted. Because for me, it is the only exciting part of the trip. The swimming. :)) I just got bored when exploring the museums.
When we arrived at the resort, we changed our clothes so we can go swimming. Then we just took the slide and then we just talk and talk until we got bored. And there, we changed again our attire for going home. Our bus is the second to leave the resort. But then, we are one of the last buses to arrive at the school. Because of the heavy rain and flood. But I`m sooo thankful that it rained! =))))
We arrived in our school at around 8pm. When we are getting off the bus, my classmates started shouting "Ghost hunting tayo! Ano? Sama ba kayo?" When I heard this, I volunteered agad. :D I`m so into this since I was in Grade6. We just walked in the oval back and forth then headed to the Thomas Bldg again.
THE MOST EXCITING PART; After the trip, we went to "The Gate" to spend some time with friends. And from there, we went home at exactly 11PM. :)))))

- Hi. My name's Janelle. Everybody calls me "Jah" except a few people who doesn't know any better. I like a lot of things. But mostly movies, music, photography, web, technology, and gadgets. I think nonconformity is bullcrap. I like what I like regardless of whether it conforms or not. I don't like sports mainly coz I'm too lazy for physical exertion. I tend to shun unnecessary social interaction and I have no talent for small talk - but I try. I have a short attention span and I usually - Oh crap!