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Hi. My name's Janelle. Everybody calls me "Jah" except a few people who doesn't know any better. I like a lot of things. But mostly movies, music, photography, web, technology, and gadgets. I think nonconformity is bullcrap. I like what I like regardless of whether it conforms or not. I don't like sports mainly coz I'm too lazy for physical exertion. I tend to shun unnecessary social interaction and I have no talent for small talk - but I try. I have a short attention span and I usually - Oh crap!

Rob Pattinson no more. Team Jacob for now. ;)

Taylor Lautner says he's embarrassed by all the attention his buffed-up bod is getting, but he really shouldn't be! Whether he's shirtless in "Eclipse" or suited up at soirees like Teen Vogue's Young Hollywood Party, he's looking mighty fine and remains our pick over Robert Pattinson.