You know you’re everything to me and I could never see
The two of us apart
And you know I give myself to you and no matter what you do
I promise you my heart
I’ve built my world around you and I want you to know
I need you like I’ve never needed anyone before
I live my life for you
I want to be by your side in everything that you do
And if there’s only one thing you can believe is true
I live my life for you
I dedicate my life to you, you know that I would die for you
But our love would last forever
And I will always be with you and there is nothing we can’t do
As long as we’re together
I just can’t live without you and I want you to know
I need you like I’ve never needed anyone before
I’ve built my world around you and I want you to know
I need you like I’ve never needed anyone before

- Hi. My name's Janelle. Everybody calls me "Jah" except a few people who doesn't know any better. I like a lot of things. But mostly movies, music, photography, web, technology, and gadgets. I think nonconformity is bullcrap. I like what I like regardless of whether it conforms or not. I don't like sports mainly coz I'm too lazy for physical exertion. I tend to shun unnecessary social interaction and I have no talent for small talk - but I try. I have a short attention span and I usually - Oh crap!